Posted on Apr 14, 2020
CFB Rotary cares! Rotary Board members John Dodd and Bill Lovell have been tasked with reaching out to Club members to check in and stay in touch. Many of our members are facing enormous challenges at home and at work: money, relationships, health, and pretty much everything else. One member said the COVID-19 epidemic is the biggest crisis he's had to face in his forty-five-year career! 
As we know from the Four-Way Test, one of the purposes of Rotary is to "Build Goodwill and Better Friendships." If you're facing hardship, Rotary cares. Whatever your need may be, please contact one of the Club officers, speak up at our upcoming online membership meeting, and answer your phone or email when John or Bill calls. We can't fix everything, but we want to help in any way we can.