Adult Autism Issues
Jul 16, 2020
Dr. Dan Burns
Adult Autism Issues
Our speaker will be Dan Burns, PhD, on the topic of "Adult Autism Issues." He will describe his experience raising an autistic son, focusing on adult issues of housing, community, and jobs. 
Dr. Burns is a former adjunct professor in the Engineering Department at UT Arlington. He is the father of a 34-year-old son on the autism spectrum, and the author of Saving Ben: A Father’s Story of Autism. In 2012, he co-founded a short-lived residential ranch for autistic teens and young adults. His web series, Saving Hope, includes a dramatization of that adventure, a portrayal of autistic teens and young adults at both ends of the spectrum. 
Dan speaks to Rotary clubs throughout District 5810. As proprietor of Appleseed Charities, a 501(c)3, his goal is to raise autism awareness throughout the District and improve the lives of autism spectrum teens and young adults in North Texas. He hopes to engage you in a lively discussion of this great cause.